Open banking for accountants: beyond bank feeds to strategic insights

Open banking is revolutionizing the accounting landscape, moving beyond the convenience of bank feeds to unlock a wealth of strategic insights for accountants and their clients. This transformative approach to financial data sharing and analysis is not just about streamlining operations; it’s about leveraging real-time financial data to drive strategic decision-making and offer value-added services. This blog post explores the untapped potential of open banking for accountants, highlighting how it can be used to gain deeper insights, enhance advisory services, and foster stronger client relationships.

The evolution of open banking in accounting

Traditionally, accountants have relied on bank feeds—a feature that automatically imports transaction data into accounting software—to reduce manual data entry and improve the accuracy of financial records. While bank feeds represent the initial phase of integrating financial data into accounting practices, open banking propels this integration to new heights. By securely sharing financial data across banks and authorized third-party providers through apis, open banking facilitates a more comprehensive and nuanced view of a client’s financial landscape.

Strategic insights through real-time data

One of the most significant advantages of open banking for accountants is access to real-time financial data. This immediacy allows accountants to move beyond retrospective financial analysis to proactive financial management and advisory.

Statistical insight: according to a report by deloitte, 82% of clients expect their accountants to provide proactive, strategic advice about their business. Open banking positions accountants to meet this expectation by enabling them to analyze up-to-the-minute financial data, identify trends, and advise on potential opportunities or risks.

Enhancing cash flow management

Cash flow management is a critical concern for businesses of all sizes. Open banking revolutionizes this aspect of financial management by providing accountants with tools to monitor their clients’ cash flow in real time, predict future cash positions based on current data, and recommend actions to optimize cash flow.

Innovative application: advanced cash flow forecasting tools, powered by open banking data, can analyze transaction patterns, receivables, and payables to predict future cash flow scenarios. This enables accountants to advise clients on managing liquidity, planning investments, and securing financing before cash flow challenges arise.

Personalized financial services

Open banking enables accountants to offer more personalized financial services. By having a holistic view of a client’s financial situation, accountants can tailor their advice to the specific needs and goals of each client, from tax planning and compliance to business growth strategies.

Innovative application: for instance, accountants can use open banking data to customize tax-saving strategies for clients by identifying deductible expenses and investment opportunities in real-time, ensuring clients maximize their tax efficiency.

Strengthening client relationships

The strategic insights and personalized services enabled by open banking foster stronger, more consultative relationships between accountants and their clients. Accountants become trusted advisors, integral to their clients’ financial health and business success.

Statistical insight: a survey by sage found that 83% of accountants agree technology enhances their role as a trusted advisor, underscoring the importance of leveraging open banking and other technologies to deepen client relationships.

Navigating challenges

While open banking offers numerous benefits, accountants must navigate challenges such as data privacy concerns, the need for technological proficiency, and adapting to new business models that emphasize advisory services over traditional accounting tasks.


Open banking represents a paradigm shift for accountants, offering a pathway to transform financial data into strategic insights that drive business growth and strengthen client relationships. By embracing open banking, accountants can position themselves as indispensable advisors, equipped to navigate the complexities of the modern financial landscape and deliver value-added services that go beyond bank feeds. As the open banking ecosystem continues to evolve, its potential to reshape the accounting profession will only expand, heralding a new era of strategic, data-driven accounting practices.

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